
Autorski rad Vesne Stojaković i Dejana Mitova (ispred Centra za digitalni dizajn) u okviru ArtZept konkursa za Art Wall Instalations je izabran kao pobednički rad za 2020. godinu. Rad je ocenjen kao unikatan, zbog svog volumena i ritma.

Slika je predstavljena kao Zepterova vizija – filozofija zdravog života i savršenstva usmerena na očuvanje zdravlja sadašnjih i budućih generacija i rešavanje ekoloških problema. Glavni motiv je stvaranje veze između prirode i izgrađenog okruženja. Fasada kombinuje pravougaone ploče sa perforacijom u obliku lista sakupljene u intrigantnoj simetriji p3. Organski izgled drveta postavljen je sa strane kako bi se zgrada postepeno transformisala u prirodno okruženje koje ga okružuje. Pored toga, upoređivanje novih tehnologija parametarskog digitalnog dizajna i rustikalnog materijala naglašava dvostruku prirodu izgrađenog i prirodnog okruženja.

Glavni motiv je stvaranje veze između prirode i izgrađenog okruženja.

Danas ova umetnička zamisao upotpunjuje dvorište muzejskog kompleksa fondacije Zepter u Beogradu.

The author’s work of Vesna Stojaković and Dejan Mitov (in front of the Center for Digital Design) within the ArtZept competition for Art Wall Instalations was chosen as the winning work for 2020. The work was rated as unique, due to its volume and rhythm.

The painting is presented as Zepter’s vision – a philosophy of healthy living and perfection aimed at preserving the health of present and future generations and solving environmental problems. The main motive is to create a connection between nature and the built environment. The façade combines rectangular slabs with leaf-shaped perforations collected in an intriguing symmetry p3. The organic look of the wood is set on the side so that the building can be gradually transformed into the natural environment that surrounds it. In addition, the comparison of new technologies of parametric digital design and rustic material emphasizes the dual nature of the built and natural environment.

The main motive is to create a connection between nature and the built environment.

Today, this artistic idea completes the courtyard of the museum complex of the Zepter Foundation in Belgrade.