Tarkett Akademija

Tarkett Akademija predstavlja izložbeno-edukativni prostor u okviru proizvodnog kompleksa Tarkett u Bačkoj Palanci i nastao je revitalizacijom stare industrijske hale. Osnovni projektantski izazov u oblikovanju Akademije bio je uvođenje nove funkcije, tj. grupe funkcija, u postojeći prostor industrijskog objekta. Cilj je bio da se očuva industrijski karakter zgrade, te da se nove funkcije skladno uklope u postojeće stanje nizom prostornih intervencija. Za razliku od svedene spoljašnjosti, unutrašnjost je znatno kompleksnija i podeljena je na dve osnovne celine: showroom i akademiju. Ovako koncipiran prostor omogućava odvijanje kompleksnog programa, sa velikim stepenom fleksibilnosti i transformabilnosti.

Tarkett Academy is an exhibitional-educational space in the industrial complex Tarkett in Backa Palanka and was developed as revitalization of an old industrial building. The main challenge in designing the Academy was the introduction of new features into an existing industrial building space. The aim was to preserve the industrial character of the building, and to fit the new functions into the existing space with a series of spatial interventions. In contrast to the reduced exterior, the interior is much more complex and is divided into two main parts: the showroom and the academy. Such concept of space is adjusted to a complex program, with a high level of flexibility and transformabilitiy.