prikazivanje arhitekture / representation of architecture

Međunarodni projekat “Prikazivanje arhitekture” realizovan je u cilju problemskog razmatranja odnosa arhitekture kao stvaralačkog medija i muzeologije, odnosno načina na koji se arhitektonski koncepti prikazuju u okviru izložbi. U okviru projekta su rekonstruisane izložbe prikazane u paviljonima Srbije (SEESAW, Play and Grow / “Klackalište” Grupa Škart) i Mađarske (Borderline ARCHITECTURE) na 12. Bijenalu arhitekture u Veneciji 2010. godine. Uz ta dva projekta, prikazani su i crteži i grafike Ranka Radovića, Natka Marinčića i Nemanje Radusinovića, kao i izložba „Modelart retrospektiva“, koja prikazuje pregled ideja i realizacija našeg studija, od osnivanja 2009. godine pa do trenutka održavanja izložbe. Prikazana su i dva prototipa urbanog mobilijara: Klupa1000cm i deCODE.

Efemerne instalacije su odličan alat za intervencije u zaštićenim oblastima jer ne utiču trajno na nasleđene strukture, a obogaćuju ih u vizuelnom i utilitarnom smislu. Upoređivanjem ove dve klupe, zajedno sa okruženjem u kom se izlažu, uspostavlja se analitička korelacija između različitih tipova javnog prostora, “zatvorenog” prostora muzeja i “otvorenog” prostora trga. Ovoj prostornoj dihotomiji se poslednjih decenija daje veliki značaj, ali i dalje ostaje pitanje pronalaženja balansa između donekle elitističkog koncepta prikazivanja umetničkog predmeta u institucijama kulture i demokratične, široke inkluzivnosti umetnosti u javnom prostoru.

Ova izložba – ogled je dokazala samo jedno, a to je da prividna granica između tih nivoa ne treba da bude poistovećena sa vratima muzeja.

The international project “Representation of Architecture” was carried out in order to review the problematic relationship of architecture (as a creative medium) and museology, apropos the way in which the architectural concepts are presented in the exhibition. Within the project, exhibitions shown in pavilions of Serbia (SEE-SAW, Play and Grow/group “Škart”) and Hungary (Borderline ARCHITECTURE) were reconstructed and displayed at the 12th Architecture Biennale in Venice 2010. Alonside these two projects, the drawings and prints of Ranko Radović, N. Marinčić and Nemanja Radusinović were presented, as well as the exhibition “Modelart Retrospective” which provides an overview of the ideas and some implementations done by our studio since its establishment in 2009. Two protypes of urban furniture were also displayed: 1000cm Bench and deCODE.

Ephemeral installations are a great tool for interventions in protected urban areas because it does not permanently affect the inherited structure but enrich them in the visual and utilitarian term. By comparison of these two benches, observed together with the environment to which they are exposed to, one can establish the analytical correlation between different types of public space: “closed” space within the museum and the “open” square space. In recent decades, this spatial dichotomy has been given great importance but a matter of finding the balance between the somewhat elitist concept of displaying art objects in cultural institutions and democratic broad inclusion of art in the public space still remains.

Thus our exhibition – experiment proved one thing and it is that the apparent boundary between these levels should not be identified with the doors of the museum.