Prague resto bar

Pod okriljem giganta modernističke arhitekture SC Spens, nedavno je svoje mesto našao novi ugostiteljski objekat, resto bar Prague. Iako se nalazi na veoma frekventnom pravcu izmedju Promenade i Spensa, on je izolovan od užurbanosti i svojom lokacijom pruža kako miran poslovni ručak tako i prijatno porodično veče. Prostor je dužom otvorenom stranom orijentisan prema zapadu, pa je velika osunčanost uticala na tamniji izbor materijala koji daju umeren poslovni ambijent, a prisustvo drveta i zelenila ponovo ceo enterijer uravnotežava i stvara svojevrstan sklad.

Šablon trougla koji se nesvesno prožima prostorom je neprimetno obogatio kako zidove tako i plafon. Sam plafon je kreiran još jednom uspešnom saradnjom studija sa Centrom za Digitalni dizajn pri Fakulteta Tehničkih nauka. Crni mdf parametrijski ukomponavan u kombinaciji sa spot rasvetom, takođe ima za cilj da, pored svoje estetske uloge, poboljša akustiku u prostoru.

As a part of the modernist architecure gigant SC Spens, new resto bar Prague was implemented recently. While it is located on very frequented promenade between Shopping center and Spens, it is isolated from everyday rush and it provides quiet business lunch, but also peaceful family evening. Longer open side of the restaurant  oriented to west so large amount of sunlight was the reason of using darker tone materials because it creates moderate business environment, but in combination with different wood type and greenery at the same time provides balance and harmony into interior.

The pattern of the triangle, which is highly present in interior but cleverly positioned, imperceptibly enriched both the walls and the ceiling. The ceiling was created in another successful collaboration of the studio and Center for digital design. So the black mdf parametrically combined  in combination with spot lighting, also aims to, besides its esthetic role, improve the acoustics of the space.