make time

Project Origami in Architecture is a series of research models dealing with the application of origami structures in architectural modeling. Origami – the Japanese art of paper folding- is often being used in architecture as it allows obtaining complex geometric forms by using simple modular elements.

Četvorodnevna radionica i seminar „Thinking about time“, kao deo međunarodnog konkursa Make Time, okupila je 5 timova čija idejna rešenja urbanog mobilijara su ušla u uži izbor, a zatim tokom radionice i realizovana. Prvonagrađeni rad „Mesto susreta“ predstavlja odgovor na zadatu temu konkursa, gde je multipliciranjem drvenih elemenata (ploča), dobijena amorfna struktura koja je ujedno i mobilijar, mesto za sedenje, ali i vizuelni reper u gradskom prostoru.

Više informacija o događaju:

The four-day workshop and seminar entitled “Thinking about time”, as a part of the international competition “Make Time”, brought together 5 teams whose design solutions for the street furniture were included on the short list and later realized.

The first prize winning task, “The Meeting Place”, was a response to the competition theme and the resulting amorphous structure i.e. the furniture or the sitting area and visually important city landmark was achieved by multiplication of wooden elements (plates). More information on this project at: