Fashion Paradise

Fashion Paradise je novo prodajno mesto u Beogradu koje nudi odabran izbor kožne obuće, torbi i manjih aksesoara. Osnovna želja i zahtev klijenta je bila stvoriti jedinstven i prepoznatljiv vizuelni identitet njihovih proizvoda. Pritom odražavajući luksuz, eleganciju i paletu boja proizvoda kroz enterijer prostora. Prostor odlikuju završne obrade i materijali koji predstavljaju arhitektonske elemente i nameštaj. Između glatkih, teksturisanih i trasnparentnih površina kao i ogledala koja prožimaju prostor dok je isti kružni oblik multipliciran kao polica za proizvode.

Fashion Paradise is new store in Belgrade that offers a selection of leather shoes, bags and small accessories. The main requirement of the client was to create a unique and distinguishable visual identity for their products. Reflecting the luxury, elegance and color palette of the brand through the interior. The space is characterized by the finishes and materials which cannote the architectonic elements and the furnishings. So it is between smooth and textured surfaces, also with transparencies and reflecting circular mirrors pervade the space while the same shape multiplies as a shelf.