salon arhitekture 2011 / salon of architecture 2011

Moto Salona arhitekture „Znaci života: arhitektura oko nas…“ asocira na povezivanje arhitekture i života, jer arhitektura i ne postoji ako ne postoje njeni korisnici, život koji je ispunjava i daje joj smisao. Arhitektura i jeste znak života, što se najjasnije očitava na javnim prostorima grada; život javnih prostora grada i arhitektura koja ga okružuje su međuzavisni i komplementarni.

Origami forum je eksperimentalna prostorna struktura koja balansira između upotrebnog predmeta i instalacije. Zamišljen kao vizuelni reper, ali i kao mobilijar za sedenje, druženje i odmor, projekat istražuje inovativne pristupe oblikovanju i oživljavanju javnog gradskog prostora.

Salon of Architecture slogan “Signs of Life: Architecture Around Us …” reminds us of the connection between architecture and life, for architecture cannot exist without its customers. It is life that fulfills architecture and gives it meaning. Architecture is a sign of life. This is the most evident on the example of the city public area; life of a city’s public areas and architecture that surrounds it are interdependent and complementary.

Origami Forum is an experimental spatial structure that balances between utilitarian object and installations. Conceived as a visual landmark, as well as furniture for sitting, socializing and relaxation, the project explores innovative approaches to design and revitalization of urban public space.